Əsas - Toys & Goods for Kids - Toys - Doll accessories - LORI - Doll Vehicle Set - Scooter with side car and a dog

LORI Doll Vehicle Set - Scooter with side car and a dog

malın kodu: LO37034Z
Keep moving towards FUN! The best way to get around the city is on a speedy scooter, especially when you have a special sidecar for your best buddy. The headlights and tail lights really work! Includes 1 scooter with side car, 1 helmet for doll, 1 dog, 1 helmet for pet, 1 pair of goggles for pet. Welcome to my world! Suggested for age 3+ .
64 AZN*
* Tövsiyə edilən pərakəndə qiymət
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