Application | For PC |
Type of converter | condenser /electret (14 mm x 2) |
The sensitivity (negative value) | -35dB /+/- 3 dB (1 kHz and 0 dB = 1 V/Pa) |
The minimum frequency of the perceived | 20 Hz |
Maximum perceived frequency | 20 kHz |
Additional characteristics | mute button |
headphones volume adjustment | |
Housing material | plastic |
metal /aluminium alloy | |
Length of cord | 1 m |
Application | For PC |
Type of converter | condenser /electret (14 mm x 2) |
The sensitivity (negative value) | -35dB /+/- 3 dB (1 kHz and 0 dB = 1 V/Pa) |
The minimum frequency of the perceived | 20 Hz |
Maximum perceived frequency | 20 kHz |
Maximum sampling rate | 96 kHz 24 біт |
Maximum sound pressure level | 110 dB |
Directivity | cardioid |
bidirectional |
Signal to noise ratio | 70 dB |
Equipment | microphone |
User guide | |
USB cable /USB - USB Type-C | |
Additional characteristics | mute button |
headphones volume adjustment |
Housing material | plastic |
metal /aluminium alloy | |
Color | black |
Length of cord | 1 m |
Eni | 110 mm |
Hündürlüyü | 110 mm |
Uzunluğu | 250 mm |
Çəkisi | 0.64 kq |
Həcmi | 0.0030 m3 |
Zəmanət | 1 il |
2E MPC020 is made in an all-metal case. The device does not require the installation of additional drivers or Software (Plug and Play). Just plug-in and start using.