Əsas - Consumer Goods & Electronics - Electronics, computers and office - Computer components - Cases - 2E Gaming - Computer case Galaxy G2055, without PSU, 1xUSB 3.0, 2xUSB 2.0, 3x120mm ARGB, ARGB strip, TG Side Panel, ATX, Black

2E Gaming Computer case Galaxy G2055, without PSU, 1xUSB 3.0, 2xUSB 2.0, 3x120mm ARGB, ARGB strip, TG Side Panel, ATX, Black

malın kodu: 2E-G2055
2E GAMING Galaxy G2055 case with two built-in 120mm ARGB fans on the top panel, an RGB LED strip behind the plastic front panel with perforated elements, plus an additional 120mm ARGB fan on the rear panel. The model is perfect for self-assembly and industrial assembly, thanks to its rationally organized internal space and simple design.
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