Ajax DoorProtect white EU

malın kodu: 7063.03.WH1
Техniki xarakteristikalar Ajax DoorProtect white EU:
Əsas parametrlər
Parametrlərin tam siyahısı
Type door/window open sensor
Application indoor only
Compatibility Ajax Hub
Ajax Hub Plus
Ajax Hub 2
Ajax Hub 2 Plus
Hub Hybrid
Radio protocol Jeweller
Power supply battery /CR123A, 3 В
Key Features
Type door/window open sensor
Application indoor only
Compatibility Ajax Hub
Ajax Hub Plus
Ajax Hub 2
Ajax Hub 2 Plus
Hub Hybrid
Radio protocol Jeweller
Additional information
Power supply battery /CR123A, 3 В
Sensitive element геркон
Operating humidity up to 75%
Operating temperature -10 °C - +40
Radio signal power 20 mW
Additional information защита от взлома тампером
Package Contents detector
SmartBracket mounting panel
mounting kit
батарейка CR123A
выносная клемма
Dimensions 90x20 mm (высота x диаметр)
Colour white
Weight 29 g
Qablaşdırma parametrləri
Eni 60 mm
Hündürlüyü 30 mm
Uzunluğu 100 mm
Çəkisi 0.09 kq
Həcmi 0.0002 m3
Zəmanət 24 ay
Type: door/window open sensor; Application: indoor only; Compatibility: Ajax Hub, Ajax Hub Plus, Ajax Hub 2, Ajax Hub 2 Plus, Hub Hybrid; Power supply: battery; Colour: white.
60 AZN*
mövcud deyil
Principle of operation

The device detects the door or window being opened by means of British-made hi-end reed switches on which the magnetic field acts. It can operate in the transmitter mode, sending a signal from the wired sensor to the hub.

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