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Mattel Barbie Career Doll Asst.

malın kodu: DVF50
Barbie Career dolls inspire kids to dream big and aim high! Each doll wears a career-themed outfit along with accessories to play out professional moments. There are so many careers to explore like a pet vet or a tennis player. Each doll wears an outfit for a day on the job, for example, the pet vet wears a lab coat and the tennis player wears a tennis uniform. Barbie Career dolls feature different body types, skin tones, eye colors and hairstyles to provide endless storytelling possibilities and create aspirational learning fun. Explore and collect the Barbie Career dolls because when a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become! Includes doll wearing fashions and accessories, plus career-themed pieces. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Dolls cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary. For ages 3 and up.
34 AZN*
* Tövsiyə edilən pərakəndə qiymət
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